#!/usr/bin/env python
""" This module contains operations for convolution, pooling and softmax
import libowl as _owl
soft_op = _owl.softmax_algo
""" Same enum type as cudnn's ``cudnnSoftmaxMode_t``. Either ``soft_op.instance`` or ``soft_op.channel``.
pool_op = _owl.pooling_algo
""" Same enum type as cudnn's ``cudnnPoolingMode_t``. Either ``pool_op.max`` or ``pool_op.avg``.
[docs]def softmax(x, op = soft_op.instance):
""" Perform softmax on the given ndarray.
Note that this function is currently only for softmax accross instances. And the last
dimension of ``x`` should represent instances. If ``x`` is of four dimension, directly
call the c++ routine. Otherwise, augment the number of dimension to four.
:param owl.NArray x: the ndarray to be softmaxed
:param owl.conv.soft_op op: what type of softmax to perform
:return: the ndarray after being softmaxed and of the same shape
:rtype: owl.NArray
if len(x.shape) == 4:
return _owl.softmax_forward(x, op)
ori_shape = list(x.shape)
soft_shape = x.shape[0:-1] + [1 for i in range(4 - len(ori_shape))] + [x.shape[-1]]
return _owl.softmax_forward(x.reshape(soft_shape), op).reshape(ori_shape)
[docs]class Lrner:
""" Wrapper class for LRN.
:ivar int local_size: the size of lrn across channel
:ivar float alpha: lrn parameters
:ivar float beta: lrn parameters
def __init__(self, local_size, alpha, beta):
""" Constructor for Convolver class
:param int local_size: the size of lrn across channel
:param float alpha: lrn parameters
:param float beta: lrn parameters
self.local_size = local_size
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
[docs] def ff(self, x, scale):
""" Feed-forward local response norm
:param owl.NArray x: input of the lrn
:param owl.NArray scale: auxiliary matrix to help computing
:return: result ndarray after forward lrn
:rtype: owl.NArray
#print np.reshape(x.to_numpy(), np.prod(np.shape(x.to_numpy()))).tolist()[0:100]
return _owl.lrn_forward(x, scale, self.local_size, self.alpha, self.beta)
[docs] def bp(self, bottom_data, top_data, scale, top_diff):
""" Backward local response norm
:param owl.NArray bottom_data: activation before lrn
:param owl.NArray top_data: activation after lrn
:param owl.NArray scale: auxiliary matrix to help computing
:param owl.NArray top_diff: error derivative
:return: result ndarray after backward lrn
:rtype: owl.NArray
return _owl.lrn_backward(bottom_data, top_data, scale, top_diff, self.local_size, self.alpha, self.beta)
[docs]class Convolver:
""" Wrapper class for convolution.
:ivar libowl.ConvInfo param: convolution parameters
def __init__(self, pad_h, pad_w, stride_v, stride_h):
""" Constructor for Convolver class
:param int pad_h: padding height
:param int pad_w: padding width
:param int stride_v: vertical stride length
:param int stride_h: horizontal stride length
ci = _owl.ConvInfo()
ci.pad_height = pad_h
ci.pad_width = pad_w
ci.stride_vertical = stride_v
ci.stride_horizontal = stride_h
self.param = ci
[docs] def ff(self, x, w, b):
""" Feed-forward convolution
:param owl.NArray x: input of the convolution
:param owl.NArray w: filters
:param owl.NArray b: bias of the convolution
:return: result ndarray after forward convolution
:rtype: owl.NArray
return _owl.conv_forward(x, w, b, self.param)
[docs] def bp(self, y, x, w):
""" Backward convolution
:param owl.NArray y: error of the convolution usually passed by higher layers
:param owl.NArray x: bottom activation
:param owl.NArray w: filters
:return: result ndarray after backward convolution
:rtype: owl.NArray
return _owl.conv_backward_data(y, x, w, self.param)
[docs] def weight_grad(self, y, x, w):
""" Compute the gradient of filters
:param owl.NArray y: error (sensitivity) passed by higher layer
:param owl.NArray x: input (activation) of lower layer
:param owl.NArray w: weight (used to get the filter dimension)
:return: the gradient of filters
:rtype: owl.NArray
return _owl.conv_backward_filter(y, x, w, self.param)
[docs] def bias_grad(self, y):
""" Compute the gradient of bias
:param owl.NArray y: error (sensitivity) passed by higher layer
:return: the gradient of bias
:rtype: owl.NArray
return _owl.conv_backward_bias(y)
[docs]class Pooler:
""" Wrapper class for pooling operations
:ivar libowl.PoolingInfo param: pooling parameters
def __init__(self, h, w, stride_v, stride_h, pad_h = 0, pad_w = 0, op = pool_op.max):
""" Constructor for Pooler class
:param int h: pooling height
:param int w: pooling width
:param int stride_v: vertical stride length
:param int stride_h: horizontal stride length
:param int pad_h: padding height
:param int pad_w: padding width
:param owl.conv.pool_op op: pooling type
pi = _owl.PoolingInfo()
pi.height = h
pi.width = w
pi.stride_vertical = stride_v
pi.stride_horizontal = stride_h
pi.pad_height = pad_h
pi.pad_width = pad_w
pi.algorithm = op
self.param = pi
[docs] def ff(self, x):
""" Forward propagation for pooling
:param owl.NArray x: input ndarray of pooling
:return: output ndarray after forward pooling
:rtype: owl.NArray
#print "%d %d %d %d" % (self.param.height, self.param.width, self.param.stride_vertical, self.param.stride_horizontal)
return _owl.pooling_forward(x, self.param)
[docs] def bp(self, y, ff_y, ff_x):
""" Backward propagation for pooling
:param owl.NArray y: error (sensitivity) from higher-layer
:param owl.NArray ff_y: value after forward pooling
:param owl.NArray ff_x: value before forward pooling
:return: output after backward pooling
:rtype: owl.NArray
return _owl.pooling_backward(y, ff_y, ff_x, self.param)