Source code for

import os
import sys
import net
from caffe import *
from google.protobuf import text_format
import numpy as np
import owl
from PIL import Image
import subprocess

[docs]class CaffeNetBuilder: ''' Class to build network from Caffe's solver and configure file. :ivar str solver_file: Caffe's solver file. ''' def __init__(self, solver_file): print 'Caffe solver file:', solver_file with open(solver_file, 'r') as f: self.solverconfig = SolverParameter() text_format.Merge(str(, self.solverconfig) self.net_file = print 'Caffe network file:', self.net_file with open(self.net_file, 'r') as f: self.netconfig = NetParameter() text_format.Merge(str(, self.netconfig) self.snapshot_dir = self.solverconfig.snapshot_prefix print 'Snapshot Dir: %s' % (self.snapshot_dir) #TODO: hack for patchnet
[docs] def change_net(self, net_file): ''' You can mannually assign the network configure file and do not use the file provided in the solver :ivar str net_file: Caffe's network configure file. ''' self.net_file = net_file print 'Caffe network file:', self.net_file with open(self.net_file, 'r') as f: self.netconfig = NetParameter() text_format.Merge(str(, self.netconfig)
[docs] def build_net(self, owl_net, num_gpu = 1): '''Parse the information from solver and network configure file and build the network and processing plan. :ivar num_gpu: the number of GPU to train in parallel should be provided in this function, it will tell the data layer how to slice a training batch ''' #set globle lr and wd owl_net.base_lr = self.solverconfig.base_lr owl_net.current_lr = self.solverconfig.base_lr owl_net.base_weight_decay = self.solverconfig.weight_decay owl_net.momentum = self.solverconfig.momentum owl_net.solver = self.solverconfig owl_net.lr_policy = self.solverconfig.lr_policy stacked_layers = {} rev_stacked_layers = {} top_name_to_layer = {} # 1. record name and its caffe.V1LayerParameter data in a map # 2. some layers is stacked into one in caffe's configure format for l in self.netconfig.layers: owl_struct = self._convert_type(l, num_gpu) if owl_struct != None: uid = owl_net.add_unit(owl_struct) #handle IO. XXX: hard-coded ty = l.type if ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('DATA'): if len(l.include) != 0 and l.include[0].phase == Phase.Value('TRAIN'): owl_net.batch_size = l.data_param.batch_size elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('IMAGE_DATA'): if len(l.include) != 0 and l.include[0].phase == Phase.Value('TRAIN'): owl_net.batch_size = l.image_data_param.batch_size elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('WINDOW_DATA'): if len(l.include) != 0 and l.include[0].phase == Phase.Value('TRAIN'): owl_net.batch_size = l.window_data_param.batch_size elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('SOFTMAX_LOSS'): owl_net.loss_uids.append(uid) elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('ACCURACY'): owl_net.accuracy_uids.append(uid) # stack issues if len(l.bottom) == 1 and len( == 1 and l.bottom[0] ==[0]: # top name top_name_to_layer[] = [uid] owl_net.units[uid].top_names = [] stack_to = l.bottom[0] if not stack_to in stacked_layers: stacked_layers[stack_to] = [top_name_to_layer[stack_to][0]] # bottom name btm_uid = stacked_layers[stack_to][-1] owl_net.units[uid].btm_names = [owl_net.units[btm_uid].top_names[0]] stacked_layers[stack_to].append(uid) rev_stacked_layers[uid] = stack_to else: # top name for top in if not top in top_name_to_layer: top_name_to_layer[top] = [] top_name_to_layer[top].append(uid) owl_net.units[uid].top_names = list( # bottom name btm_names = [] for btm in l.bottom: if btm in stacked_layers: btm_names.append(owl_net.units[stacked_layers[btm][-1]].top_names[0]) else: btm_names.append(btm) owl_net.units[uid].btm_names = btm_names # 3. connect for uid in range(len(owl_net.units)): for btm in owl_net.units[uid].btm_names: for btm_uid in top_name_to_layer[btm]: owl_net.connect(btm_uid, uid)
def _convert_type(self, caffe_layer, num_gpu): ty = caffe_layer.type if ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('DATA'): return net.LMDBDataUnit(caffe_layer, num_gpu) elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('IMAGE_DATA'): return net.ImageDataUnit(caffe_layer, num_gpu) elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('WINDOW_DATA'): return net.ImageWindowDataUnit(caffe_layer, num_gpu) elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('INNER_PRODUCT'): return net.FullyConnection(caffe_layer) elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('CONVOLUTION'): return net.ConvConnection(caffe_layer) elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('POOLING'): return net.PoolingUnit(caffe_layer) elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('RELU'): return net.ReluUnit(caffe_layer) elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('SIGMOID'): return net.SigmoidUnit(caffe_layer) elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('SOFTMAX_LOSS'): return net.SoftmaxUnit(caffe_layer) elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('TANH'): return net.TanhUnit(caffe_layer) elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('DROPOUT'): return net.DropoutUnit(caffe_layer) elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('LRN'): return net.LRNUnit(caffe_layer) elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('CONCAT'): return net.ConcatUnit(caffe_layer) elif ty == V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Value('ACCURACY'): return net.AccuracyUnit(caffe_layer) else: print "Not implemented type:", V1LayerParameter.LayerType.Name(caffe_layer.type) return None
[docs] def init_net_from_file(self, owl_net, weightpath, snapshotidx): '''Load network parameters from a saved snapshot. :ivar owl_net: the network to load parameters to :ivar str weightpath: the folder storing parameters :ivar int snapshotidx: the index of the snapshot ''' weightpath = "%ssnapshot%d/" % (weightpath, snapshotidx) for i in range(len(owl_net.units)): if isinstance(owl_net.units[i], net.FullyConnection): #print owl_net.units[i].name layername = owl_net.units[i].name layername = layername.replace("/","_") weightname = '%s%s_weights.dat' % (weightpath, layername) wshape = owl_net.units[i].wshape if os.path.isfile(weightname): npweight = np.fromfile(weightname, dtype = np.float32) length = np.shape(npweight)[0] if length == owl_net.units[i].in_shape[0] * owl_net.units[i].out_shape[0]: owl_net.units[i].weight = owl.from_numpy(npweight).reshape(wshape) weightname = '%s%s_weightdelta.dat' % (weightpath, layername) if os.path.isfile(weightname): npweightdelta = np.fromfile(weightname, dtype = np.float32) owl_net.units[i].weightdelta = owl.from_numpy(npweightdelta).reshape(wshape) else: print "Weight Need Reinit %s" % (owl_net.units[i].name) else: print "Weight Need Reinit %s" % (owl_net.units[i].name) biasname = '%s%s_bias.dat' % (weightpath, layername) bshape = owl_net.units[i].bshape if os.path.isfile(biasname): npbias = np.fromfile(biasname, dtype = np.float32) length = np.shape(npbias)[0] if length == owl_net.units[i].out_shape[0]: owl_net.units[i].bias = owl.from_numpy(npbias).reshape(bshape) biasname = '%s%s_biasdelta.dat' % (weightpath, layername) if os.path.isfile(biasname): npbiasdetla = np.fromfile(biasname, dtype = np.float32) owl_net.units[i].biasdelta = owl.from_numpy(npbiasdetla).reshape(bshape) else: print "Bias Need Reinit %s" % (owl_net.units[i].name) if isinstance(owl_net.units[i], net.ConvConnection): #print owl_net.units[i].name layername = owl_net.units[i].name layername = layername.replace("/","_") conv_params = owl_net.units[i].conv_params weightname = '%s%s_weights.dat' % (weightpath, layername) wshape = owl_net.units[i].wshape if os.path.isfile(weightname): npweight = np.fromfile(weightname, dtype = np.float32) length = np.shape(npweight)[0] if length == owl_net.units[i].in_shape[2] * owl_net.units[i].out_shape[2] * conv_params.kernel_size * conv_params.kernel_size: owl_net.units[i].weight = owl.from_numpy(npweight).reshape(wshape) weightname = '%s%s_weightdelta.dat' % (weightpath, layername) if os.path.isfile(weightname): npweightdelta = np.fromfile(weightname, dtype = np.float32) owl_net.units[i].weightdelta = owl.from_numpy(npweightdelta).reshape(wshape) else: print "Conv Weight Need Reinit %s" % (owl_net.units[i].name) else: print "Conv Weight Need Reinit %s" % (owl_net.units[i].name) biasname = '%s%s_bias.dat' % (weightpath, layername) bshape = owl_net.units[i].bshape if os.path.isfile(biasname): npbias = np.fromfile(biasname, dtype = np.float32) length = np.shape(npbias)[0] if length == owl_net.units[i].out_shape[2]: owl_net.units[i].bias = owl.from_numpy(npbias).reshape(bshape) biasname = '%s%s_biasdelta.dat' % (weightpath, layername) if os.path.isfile(biasname): npbiasdetla = np.fromfile(biasname, dtype = np.float32) owl_net.units[i].biasdelta = owl.from_numpy(npbiasdetla).reshape(bshape) else: print "Conv Bias Need Reinit %s" % (owl_net.units[i].name) else: print "Conv Bias Need Reinit %s" % (owl_net.units[i].name)
[docs] def save_net_to_file(self, owl_net, weightpath, snapshotidx): '''Save network parameters to a saved snapshot. :ivar owl_net: the network to save parameters from :ivar str weightpath: the folder storing parameters :ivar int snapshotidx: the index of the snapshot ''' weightpath = "%ssnapshot%d/" % (weightpath, snapshotidx) cmd = "mkdir %s" % (weightpath) res =, shell=True) for i in range(len(owl_net.units)): if isinstance(owl_net.units[i], net.ConvConnection) or isinstance(owl_net.units[i], net.FullyConnection): #print owl_net.units[i].name layername = owl_net.units[i].name layername = layername.replace("/","_") weightname = '%s%s_weights.dat' % (weightpath, layername) wshape = owl_net.units[i].weight.shape length = npweight = owl_net.units[i].weight.to_numpy().reshape(length) npweight.tofile(weightname) weightname = '%s%s_weightdelta.dat' % (weightpath, layername) npweightdelta = owl_net.units[i].weightdelta.to_numpy().reshape(length) npweightdelta.tofile(weightname) biasname = '%s%s_bias.dat' % (weightpath, layername) bshape = owl_net.units[i].bias.shape length = npbias = owl_net.units[i].bias.to_numpy().reshape(length) npbias.tofile(biasname) biasname = '%s%s_biasdelta.dat' % (weightpath, layername) npbiasdetla = owl_net.units[i].biasdelta.to_numpy().reshape(length) npbiasdetla.tofile(biasname)
[docs]class CaffeModelLoader: ''' Class to convert Caffe's caffemodel into numpy array files. Minerva use numpy array files to store and save model snapshots. :ivar str model_file: Caffe's caffemodel :ivar str weightdir: directory to save numpy-array models :ivar int snapshot: snapshot index ''' def __init__(self, model_file, weightdir, snapshot): netparam = NetParameter() layerparam = V1LayerParameter() with open(model_file, 'rb') as f: netparam.ParseFromString( cmd = 'mkdir %s' % (weightdir) res =, shell=True) cmd = 'mkdir %s/snapshot%d' % (weightdir, snapshot) res =, shell=True) print len(netparam.layers) curweights = 0 for i in range(len(netparam.layers)): #print '%d %d' % (i, curweights) if hasattr(netparam.layers[i], 'blobs') and len(netparam.layers[i].blobs) == 2: layername = netparam.layers[i].name layername = layername.replace("/","_") filename = '%s/snapshot%d/%s_weights.dat' % (weightdir, snapshot, layername) if netparam.layers[i].type == layerparam.LayerType.Value('CONVOLUTION'): num_output = netparam.layers[i].convolution_param.num_output kernelsize = netparam.layers[i].convolution_param.kernel_size orifilters = np.array(netparam.layers[i].blobs[0].data, dtype=np.float32) channels = np.shape(orifilters)[0] / num_output / kernelsize / kernelsize orifilters = orifilters.reshape([num_output, channels, kernelsize, kernelsize]) newfilters = np.zeros(np.shape(orifilters), dtype=np.float32) for outidx in range(num_output): for chaidx in range(channels): newfilters[outidx, chaidx, :, :] = np.rot90(orifilters[outidx, chaidx, :,:],2) newfilters.reshape([0:4])).tofile(filename) else: num_output = netparam.layers[i].inner_product_param.num_output input_dim = np.shape(np.array(netparam.layers[i].blobs[0].data, dtype=np.float32))[0] / num_output theweight = np.transpose(np.array(netparam.layers[i].blobs[0].data, dtype=np.float32).reshape([num_output, input_dim])) theweight.tofile(filename) filename = '%s/snapshot%d/%s_bias.dat' % (weightdir, snapshot, layername) np.array(netparam.layers[i].blobs[1].data, dtype=np.float32).tofile(filename)
if __name__ == "__main__": CaffeModelLoader('/home/tianjun/caffe/caffe/models/bvlc_googlenet/bvlc_googlenet_quick_iter_40.caffemodel', '/home/tianjun/caffe/caffe/models/bvlc_googlenet/bvlc_googlenet_quick_iter_40.solverstate', '/home/tianjun/models/GoogModel/', 0) #CaffeModelLoader('/home/tianjun/caffe/caffe/models/bvlc_alexnet/caffe_alexnet_train_iter_20.caffemodel', '/home/tianjun/caffe/caffe/models/bvlc_alexnet/Minervamodel/') ''' builder = CaffeNetBuilder(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) owl_net = net.Net() builder.build_net(owl_net) owl_net.forward() '''